Manoel Theatre Museum

Preserving the traditions, and saturated with historical and artistic values, the Manoel Theatre Museum remains the primary evidence of Malta’s theatrical loving island. Opened in 1731 and as such one of the oldest still functioning theaters in Europe, the theatre was named after the Grand Master of the Order of St. John Antonio Manoed de Vilhena. Its stage remains active to the present day and presents already charming performances that retain the soul of Maltese drama.

A Grand Master’s Vision

According to Buhagiar, the story of the Manoel Theatre dates back to the year of 1731 initiated by Grand Master Antonio Manoel de Vilhena who planned to establish a viable place for differing sorts of art and foster the social amelioration of Malta. It primarily refers to a theater that has been in existence up to this historical period more or less for almost three centuries and that has the performing arts particularly the drama, music and theaters and is christened after him. To the people of Malta the theater was not just a construction, it was a symbol of culture and the place that proved the role of the art in the society.

A Journey Through Theatrical History

The Manoel Theatre Museum developed out of the recognition of the need to commemorate the history of theater in Malta which dates back to the 17th century. When strolling around, one feels a rather historical atmosphere and examining numerous souvenirs becomes a kind of a walk through theater history of the island. Whether it be the gorgeous the costumes created for each production or the playbills that were printed decades ago or the stage props and musical instruments, each and every piece shelter the story of love, innovation and hard work that characterized the theatre in Malta.

Quite a considerable part of the museum is then devoted to the history of the Manoel Theatre itself, as well as the Royal Opera House – the splendid theatre that used to be the pride of the island’s cultural life. Unfortunately, the building where Royal Opera House was located caught fire during the Second World War, thus, the building is no longer there and all is left are memories.Every performance is a spectacle of theatre as a cultural heritage of human kind that ties generations from the past with the present day viewers who watch performances in this hall.

The Following Cultural Sites Should Not Be Missed;

It is not just a visit to a museum of a theatre but it is rather a sensory experience that can really recreate the atmosphere one feels on stage. Speaking about the educational value of the museum, it is worth noticing that it provides a view of the backstage where the miracles of theatre are created. The Manoel Theatre Museum is an ideal place for people with a passion towards theatres, history lovers and anybody who would love to know the past and the traditions of Malta.

An Iconic Location

Originally also known as Old Theatre Street, the Manoel Theatre is a historical theatre situated in the capital city of Valletta, and more than that, it is an important cultural venue of Malta today. Having rich baroque facades and warm, we may say cosy, interiors, it has a rather enchanting and romantic feeling, which has been an outstanding temptation to a number of artist and spectators during ages.

A Theatre Award Ceremony

The Manoel Theatre Museum is a true reflection of the theatre and performers in Malta where history of performance art is preserved and demonstrated. Indeed, it is a place where the spectators of hundreds of years ago are alive and where the tradition of Maltese theatre is nurtured and preserved to be admired by future generations.

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